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We are Regeneration: Join the Digital Event!


We are excited to invite you to take part in two days of talks, on October 15th and 16th, to discuss how we intend to change the world in the next decade.

Two days of discussions with visionary entrepreneurs, professors from the most advanced universities in the world and institutions. Join us for this free event in Parma on October 15th and 16th, 2020: and — to allow the largest possible number of people to take part — the event will also be available through live streaming


Regeneration 2030 lgoo

The three challenges of our generation

The most urgent topics to discuss, the three major challenges for our generation: how to tackle climate change, define a new economic paradigmand bring happiness to each and every human being. 
  • REGENERATIVE ECONOMY — Imagine a global economy in which corporations are a positive force for the regeneration of human beings, society and the biosphere.
  • CLIMATE ACTION — The environmental crisis is the biggest threat to our common future. We strive to launch a new model for an inclusive and prosperous economy.
  • HAPPINESS — The pursuit of happiness (in its deepest sense of wellbeing, both individual and social) is the ultimate goal in life and the new frontier for sustainability. Policymakers and private and public organizations should all commit to reach happiness and to view it as a real metric of human progress.
Davide Bollati signing paper Davines

Davines 2030, our plea for the future

Davide Bollati– President of the Davines Group – is one of the founding members of the allianceresponsible for promoting the Summit of Parma Regeneration 2030. He’s also one of the first signatories of a true letter of engagement to the next generations.

As human beingsand creators of change, we commit to act as a regenerating force for the society and for the environment. Our goal is to fight with compassion, wisdom and courage to build a new era in which, by 2030, happiness and human wellbeing will be the main economic and political drivers globally and we will have started a radical action to tackle the climate crisis. 

Agenda and speakers

The summit talks will be given onThursday, Oct. 15th and Friday, Oct. 16th from 9am to 6pm. Although the place we chose is “Auditorium Paganini”in Parma, the summit will happenboth in person and through digital connections all over the world. If you prefer to follow the eventonline, you can choose to only take part in the sessions you want to attend (read the talks calendar). On day 1 we will talk about regenerative economy and happiness, while day 2 will tackle climate change, from different perspectives. To start getting in the mood for the Summit, we share some of thespeakers who will presenttheir vision for the society of tomorrow.
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