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Beauty, From The Ground Up
Join us to support CSA (community supported agriculture) farms. Together, let’s raise our voices and our forks to celebrate the farmers who sustain us.
Raise your voices and your forks and support the relationship between agriculture and communities, farmers and eaters, by celebrating CSA (community supported agriculture) farms.
This conversation affects everyone, whether currently purchasing directly from local farms or wondering how to get involved. It’s about social and environmental beauty, from the ground up. Sharing the work of these CSA coalitions and giving what you can inspires the public to eat healthy, organic, local food right from their community.
A CSA is a sustainable system in which consumers can directly support their local farmers. It connects farmers and eaters within the food system by allowing consumers to buy a share of the farm’s harvests. Working with Hudson Valley CSA Coalition (East Coast), FairShare (Midwest) and CAFF / Community Alliance with Family Farmers (California), our goal is to collapse the distance between agriculture and communities and shine a light on the beautiful work these organizations, and the over 200 farms they collectively support, are doing. This effort is a perfect way to intimately connect our community to a level of sustainability that deeply resonates with us in terms of well-being, environment, biodiversity and community. It’s both social and environmental beauty, from the ground up.
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